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Raised by a guitarist, it comes as no surprise that Andre should develop an interest in the guitar. From a young age, he would practice hours a day, writing his own music and learning to imitate his favourite musicians. What started as a hobby, quickly transformed into a passion. 


Andre has always drawn on his faith as the foundation of his musical aspirations whilst being inspired by renowned guitarists such as Randy Rhoads, John Petrucci, Andy James, and Allan Holdsworth. His music, a blend of Progressive and Instrumental Rock, shares a likeness to Joe Satriani and Dream Theater, while still maintaining his own unique sound.


Over the years, Andre’s music career has taken many forms, but his BIGGEST GOAL to produce and release original compositions is finally becoming a reality!


His debut EP, Silver Rush, explores all the limits of the guitar, always finding that balance between melody and finger blazin' acrobatics. Listeners of John Petrucci and Joe Satriani will feel at home with this new guitar hero! 

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"Through the storms and emotions of life, is the importance of seeing the silver lining in things. The ‘silver rush’ is both a concept and an emotion: the concept of seeing MORE than just the silver lining and the euphoric feelings of JOY and PEACE felt when one chooses to look beyond."

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